Raja Bilal/Tanveer Hussaini Beerwah 13 July: Additional Special Mobile Megistrate Beerwah today organize Lok Adalat at court complex Beerwah on Saturday chaired by the additional mobile megistrate Mr Imran Hanief Khan.60 cases pertaining to the provisions of matrimonial disputes,bank recovery, MACT, Labour, electric,PHE,criminal compoundable cases and traffic challans etc were taken up for amicable settlement during the Lok Adalat out of which all cases were settled and settlement amount of Rs 7050. One bench were constituted for the settlement of cases by Additional Special Mobile Magistrate Mr Imran Hanief Khan, where people sought timely justice as per their expectations. It was first initiate by Additional Special Mobile Magistrate in Beerwah were many artisans and other bank defaulters were relieved off their burdens by heavy waiver and married couples who had appeared in the court with plenty of complaints and grievances for each other, were later seen coming out hand in hand with big smile on their faces and the new dreams and promises in their eyes for a happy and prosperous life ahead.General public of the area express gratitude for conducting Lok Adalat at Beerwah and they said that it was first successful initiate which was taken by the authorities and they lauded the timely justice and settlement of cases by the way of taking quick and satisfactory decisions under Lok Adalat