Women Councilors Allege Verbal harassment and misconduct outside office of EO Sopore
Sopore : Women councilors of Municipal Council Sopore Monday alleged that they were verbally abused and threatened by a group of people outside Municipal Council office here in Sopore.
The women councillors have sought an inquiry into the matter and asked for strict action those found involved in the incident.
A female councilor told Kashmir Despatch that councilors of MC Sopore were called for a meeting at the office and soon the meeting was over, a group of people started shouting slogans and abused the women councilors there at Municipal Council office Sopore.
“When the world was celebrating International Women’s Day, few goons on behest of an official verbally abused us and threatened of dire consequences, ” a female councilor told Kashmir Despatch.
Another female councilors said that they have asked Executive Officer of Municipal Council Sopore to initiate an inquiry into it.
“We want your good office to set up inquiry committee to investigate and identify the people who are behind this incident and an FIR against these persons should be taken and in future safety and security concerns of councilors should be taken care off. I hope you will take action at earliest and inform us,” she added.
The councilors claimed that the office of EO Municipal Council Sopore neither conducts elections nor allows them to work for the betterment of the town.