The newly elected British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has appointed the former home secretary, Sajid Javid, as the new finance minister in his first cabinet appointment.
A banker-turned politician, Javid hails from a modest background. He was among the leading contenders for the premiership and the only immigrant. But he chose to endorse Johnson after failing to obtain enough support from the Conservative Member of Parliaments (MPs).
49-year-old Javid was appointed as the home secretary last year. He is the son of a Pakistani immigrant bus driver and is the face of a meritocratic, multicultural, and modern Britain.
Javid belongs to the economically liberal wing of the Conservative Party. He voted in favor of Britain staying in the European Union in 2016. During his stint as home secretary, he was respected for handling a scandal of the treatment of the children of Caribbean immigrants, the Windrush generation.