Agha Sayyed Karar Hashmi a Kashmiri Seminarian at Qom glorifying the international Quds Day, initiated by the founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini (R.A) in 1979, an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan to show support for Palestinians and oppose Zionism and arrogant powers. Palestine was a wound that was inflicted on the world of Islam by the Zionists and the arrogant powers, and it has made deeper on daily basis. The Palestine had been facing one of the worst human rights violations and that the leader of the Muslim world should unite instead of playing into the hands of western powers. It is a day in which the destinies of the oppressed nations must be determined.
He added that Imam Khomeini(R.A) awakened the conscience of humanity to the issue of Palestine and made people aware about the atrocities of Zionism and due to this initiative every year lakhs of people are participating in the rallies in support of defenseless Muslims especially Palestinians across globe. Jerusalem is the first kiblah of Muslims and it belongs to us. There is no disagreement among any of the Islamic Jurisprudents that if a single part of Muslim Territories is ruled by the enemies of Islam, all Muslims must consider it their duty and major responsibility to make untiring efforts to restore that territory.
Sayyed Hashmi emphasized that those who have been imprisoned in Palestine should not feel they are alone. The men and women who are being attacked by the Zionists on the streets of Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and other Palestine cities are not alone but we stand with them till the last drop of our blood.
Agha Sayyed Karar Hashmi calls upon, UNO; the premier world body to declare Palestine an independent state and Jerusalem as its capital, Immediate dismantle of all the Israeli illegal settlements in Jerusalem and other parts, release thousands of Palestinians, including a large number of women, children languishing in Israeli jails and declare Israel, a terrorist state and bring it in the international court for its crimes and punish it accordingly. Added this year due to novel coronavirus pandemic Covid-19, people must use social media networks to mark the day in support in defenseless Palestinians across globe.